Grow the Gospel: Support Gospel Ministry at Proclaim Anglican Church

Giving money towards our church is an act of faith and obedience to God’s command to support the spread of the gospel. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

As Christians, repenting of sin and faith in Jesus frees us. Sin, Satan, ourselves, materialism, and money are no longer kings in our lives – only Jesus is. He was the richest, but became poor for us (2 Corinthians 8:9). Therefore, we can be free to be generous because our lives are not about money, wealth or possessions.

God’s desire for us then is to generously and joyfully respond to the gospel. So by giving generously and joyfully, we participate in God’s work and help to fulfill the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). In this way, giving is nothing less than mission. It is partnering with God at work in our city. Contributions given to Proclaim supports the growth of the gospel in our community, bringing hope and salvation to people in the City of Casey.

Give via Bank Transfer:
Name: Proclaim Anglican
BSB: 033 609
AC Number: 619 429
Name the payment: “Giving”


Remembering Proclaim Anglican Church in your will is a simple but precious way for you to continue to support God’s work beyond your lifetime. It is not difficult to arrange, and is a final way to live out your commitment to God’s work in this world. Please consult your solicitor to ensure your intentions are met. To speak to someone confidentially, please contact us.

8 Simple Steps for making an eternal legacy

Pray before, during and after you prepare your will.

Think about what makes up your estate. Consider your home and other real estate, savings and investment accounts, stocks and shares, superannuation, insurance policies, pension benefits, annuities and other possessions (e.g. cars, furniture or jewellery).

Consider who you wish to provide for (beneficiaries) after you are gone. What special considerations do you need to make (e.g. guardianship arrangements for minors)? What organisations and causes are close to your heart that would benefit from a final gift?

Prioritise how your estate is to be allocated to your beneficiaries. Once your family and loved ones are provided for, you may wish to leave the rest of your estate or a portion of it to support our church.

Plan your will. This is where the detail begins and you decide which type of bequest is appropriate for each beneficiary. For example:

  1. A percentage of your entire estate or what’s left after you have provided for other people.
  2. The residue or remainder of your estate after all other bequests have been distributed and liabilities paid.
  3. A special gift of an amount of money, or property, shares, stocks, art or other personal property.

Choose your executor. Decode on one or more executors who are trustworthy, reliable and will ensure the intentions in your will are carried out. Check that each person is willing to act in this capacity.

Prepare your will. Your will is a legal document so engaging the services of a solicitor is strongly recommended. A solicitor can help you prepare your will accurately according to your intentions.

Secure your intentions. Once you have prepared your will, store it in a safe and secure place. Make sure your family and/or executors know where to locate it and give a copy to your executor as well. Update your will as appropriate when circumstances change.

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16